Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blogging for Language Learners (posting 2)

How blogging can assist language learners to improve and enhance their writing skill?

As we all know, blogging is something that we frequently have to update all the new information and make an editing in time to time; so, as a result it does help me improving a lot in writing. Mostly, when we want to convey a massage or information necessarily we have to make sure that the sentence structure is accordingly in terms of to make sure that our content is meaningful and understandable. Consequently, we will be familiar with the sentence structure that has a proper position.

Besides that, in blogging generally most of the idea that we have to elaborate is something that have a complex and comes in a compact information, in that cases to shorten the idea we have to make an summarizing for each information that we were responsible to do so. First, we have to search the main idea then find some example and lastly create a new passage or text that contain a complete and understandable information without missing any important idea. By doing this such activity, we now know how to make an appropriate summary. Furthermore, not forgetting in blogging we are not narrowing only in the same scope, we will as hard as we could doing something that can interact people read our blogging; on that matter, we did searching for a new and fresh information. As a result, we do get lots of new vocabulary and know how to use it semantically.

3 good reason blogging for language learners

  • If you want to run a semi-successful blog, or an interesting one for that matter, you need to publish to it on a regular basis. I know a lot of people who blog whenever they can, but I think this would prove to be more difficult to manage. Establish a routine for yourself (say one hour a day) and your writing will be more enjoyable, and meaningful (your loyal readers will also thank you for the reliability). Thus,automatically your writing skill will be improved if you established blogging as your routine.Hopefully, you can translate this routine, or learn from it, to your more enjoyable writing endeavors.

  • If you want to better your writing skills, you need to write, and write a lot. “Practice makes perfect” is the key phrase here. Think of how much practice you’ll get if you post to your blog at least once a day (keeping in mind that you want to improve)? I’m not going to say that this blogging habit will automatically make you a great writer, or allow you to publish to magazines, but it should give you a good foundation for that.

  • I found that my blogging routine does something as important as the first two in this list, it sets my mind at ease when I get started, and allows it to be as creative as it wants to be. Why? If you’re posting on a regular basis, well, you will need something to write about. Your mind gets into the creative mode when it comes time to post. This creativity will transfer (from your blogging) to your other writing projects. Thus, blogging is the good way for us to express our thoughts and become our mind more creativity, then it was the good for you to improve your writing skill.
There are some interesting website which i want share with you all after i enjoy reading:



1 comment:

  1. good work alice. Very informative.Keep on blogging and your writing will improve eventually
